Sunday, April 11, 2010

I guess 8 is enough

Well the lambing season is starting to wind down. Waiting for #50 to arrive, with mostly just the Ewe lambs left to go. We are pleased with the crop, especially the number of black lambs. I was hoping for at least one or 2 colored, and at least one ewe lamb, and we ended up with 4 ewes and 4 bucks. Only slightly disappointed that the mutant had a black buck, and the Coopworth a buck also, and snow white. Interesting that we had to pull both, as they have very large heads. Maybe a Coopworth trait? Everyone says the black ones are very cute though. Evening chores are made more enjoyable now that the lambs are old enough they have started playing sheep games. While their mothers are chowing down at the bunk, they run and jump like kids in the schoolyard let out for recess. With floppy ears and long stiff legs, they resemble a herd of rabbits circling the pen. Or maybe a woolly flock of birds. Must try to get it on video, but its difficult when they are camera shy, and easily distracted.

Don is back at work. At least we got some things done. Garden now is partially planted, and has 3 new raised beds. One is waiting for strawberry plants, which are ordered, as are the sweet potatoes. Yard is mostly cleaned up, and the porches had an annual washing. Now the painting business is picking up again, so my loyalties to projects are being tested.

Looks like I will be teaching needle felt classes at the Fiber Fair in Mitchell in Sept. Thats what you get when you ask questions. But we were wanting to go anyway, and now we have good reason. Hoping its a good venue for new people and market.

Now if I could just get this blog figured out - how to get the pics to go where I want them!

1 comment:

  1. Lovely blog! I bought some of your yarn at the International Quilt Study Center in Lincoln this weekend. It is beautiful and I am enjoying reading about your farm and sheep. Keep it up!
