Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Mulching and Mulberries

I can hardly believe its the middle of June. The summer is going by way to quickly. We were at the Sheep and Wool Festival in Iowa over the weekend. Met some new friends and made new contacts again this year. Its good to see others with the same interests and enthusiasm. A little reinforcement that we are not totally crazy at least. Then we came home to reports of flooding, and wet dirty sheep and more mud than we would like. So we decided it was getting to be time to cover them. So Don got the suits out, soaked them overnight, and then hung them on the fence and hosed them off. They came surprisingly clean!
The weather has been so crazy lately, we have gotten a bit behind on the garden. The poor melons were growing out the tops of their jugs, some by a foot. So, despite the humidity, the mud, and a long day of work, we dove into weeding to prepare for the mulch. Thanks to the 'horse' (Troy-built), it went pretty well, and we managed to get at least the melons done. Then as darkness fell, we quit. But I noticed the ewes in the pasture gathered beneath the trees to the north.

Recently, I have been drawn to the frequent glimpse of the blackish trees. for some reason, this year the sure fire outline of a Mulberry tree. For some reason, nostalgia has over taken me, and I am consumed with a longing for mulberries. The distinct memory of the unique sweet odor of cooking mulberry jam has risen from somewhere in my childhood. It has been at least 25 years, but it lingers and calls. I have been watching the trees, awaiting the change from red to black. Hearing my fathers voice from long ago. The screen door creak and slam, the bent soiled straw hat fan the air in gesture, and the announcement "The mulberries are ready."
In a time and place were fresh fruit was strictly seasonal, mulberries were a welcome addition to the table. My Dad's favorite was a simple bowl of berries and cream. I preferred them on ice cream. But they were probably best picked right off the tree.
Mulberry harvesting at our house was serious. Never mind the tedious picking one berry at a time. My Mother would bring out the sheets. With as many hands as could be rounded up, we would be assigned corners of the cloth - actually 2 sheets sewn together- and Dad would tap on the upper branches with a rake. The resulting hail of purple was sure to bring a round of squeals and giggles, as we dodged the stray berries while attempting to catch as many as possible. Of course, the mosqitoes were unbearable, and the tall grass scratched even through clothes (long pants required), and a thorough tick check was sure to follow. And the next day, the house would be filled with the aroma of mulberry jam.
I started off today by doing some weeding in the flower gardens. But the trees seemed to be calling me. It was hot, so I left off the weeds and took a break.
So after cooling off a bit, I grabbed my camera, and set off on a short adventure. Pleased that crossing the fence is no longer a problem now that the new panels are up, I picked my way across the pasture. Everything was still very wet, including the back of my neck. Sure enough, there were mulberries. And, thanks to the short sheep, on branches that could be reached. I tried a few, and was pleased to find they were much better flavor than the tree across the road. Within moments, my thoughts were flooded with childhood memories of hot, still, early days of summer. The sweet purple mulberry goodness mixed with horsey sweat, the welcome whisper of a slight breeze through the leaves to still the buzzing of mosquitoes, and the frantic slap that was sure to follow.
Mulberry madness had set in. As the plumpest, darkest berries were soon consumed from one branch, I moved to another. Then another. And then it occurred to me that there was not one tree, but many. And to think I had been missing them all these years... Wait. Oops. Was that an unripe one, or just a bite of reality. Truth is, they weren't here before. The trees that now overhang the fence line by 15 ft or more are probably close to thirty years old!
Time passes. Things change, and life changes things. Yet it seems, mulberries stay much the same. The ones hardest to get to are often the sweetest. The sweet purple taste of summer still leave a stain on your memory that does not fade even with time.
Now I'm off to look for some sheets.

Sunday, May 23, 2010

More time

I never could believe it - that line they kept telling us back when we were young that the older you get, the faster time goes. I guess maybe the clock moves at a different pace when you are dreading the social studies test you forgot to study for. Of course I know its not really true in the physics realm. And after all, time doesn't exist in the spiritual. Or maybe not at all if its only a matter of perception. But regardless, my perception of time seems to be changing.
I realized tht with Don gone to Kansas last weekend, my perception may be way off anyway. This is the 3rd weekend in a row that I have been left to my own devices and diversions. I have got a lot of little jobs done. I've mowed grass -3 times-, planted seeds, pulled weeds, painted walls and ceilings and silk scarves, needled on felt and nursery frills, and washed socks and sheets and fleece. Today, I'm dyeing again. But rest assured come 5:59, I will be settled in for the evening with home made pizza and a pile of handwork ( anyone out there know how many ties are on a set of bumper pads?) that probably wont get done, because I will be getting 'Lost' one last time.
Questions. Confusion. 'Lost' is probably a more true vision than any of us would like to admit. I know there are many days when I'm not sure where I am, or why. But I do know I am here for a purpose.
There is but a fine line between searching for the meaning of life, and the discovery that it's the searching that gives life meaning. Pretty deep stuff for an August-like day in May. It's that time of year. Last days of school. First days of summer. Memorial Day predictable storms. Time passes quickly. Outside my window, banks of white bow and bend in the wind. Spirea now. Seems like just last week it was snow.
Tomorrow is another 'signpost' day. Will post back with pictures when I can.

Friday, May 7, 2010

Things Done

It has been a busy week here. And thankfully, the end to a few projects. The big one was the mural. I realized it was nearing a year since it had been given the green light and I had physically started on it, and I like to never pass the year mark. So a date was set at the Library, and things started to move. Last Sat we borrowed a Uhaul truck, and took it to town. Still havent gotten used to walking into the shop and being able to see out the west window.

The big event was Wed. Official 'unveiling ceremony - complete with Librarian and I pulling down the black cloth, and the expected 'aooooooh' following. I've had gallery shows before, but that part was a first. Now waiting to see what the newspaper will have next week, and if I get many comments. The few who are still alive who remember the building seemed to be very impressed, so at least I got that part right. As an artist, I am very self critical, and it bothers me just a bit in knowing that there are parts that could have been better technically, but I was committed to painting it to be a depiction of the story, not as architecturally accurate. After all, all I had to go on was a postcard from 1920. So I'll stop beating myself up about that.

Another milestone passed - we now have more than 60 lambs, (I think its 65) and the last one is on the ground. They seemed to drag on forever this year, and we're not sure why. It has been mentioned that if the black ram lambs arent sold, one could end up being a teaser. That would be a double bonus - more lambs, synchronize the ewes, and I get the fleece too. Don is still enjoying the lambing season. He watches the lambs while the water runs (and lambs are always fun to watch play regardless), but he seems to be admiring the quality of the crop, especially some of the ewe lambs.

Now its on to garden season. The newly planted gooseberries, strawberries, and honeyberries are doing well. The apricot tree is covered with olive sized fruit, the potatoes and onions and peas and corn have added green to the garden plot. (Someone is eating the tops off the beets though.) I added a number of perennials to the back yard flower garden - just for me. It's my view on the world as I sit at the computer.

Now time to move on. There are things to be left and gotten in town this afternoon. I always seem to be one part short when working on my personal projects. I'm currently redoing a family high chair for Braydon. Will post pics when its done.

Happy Mothers Day to all mothers and to-be's. Back to haveing to share the limelight this year. But thats ok.

Sunday, April 11, 2010

I guess 8 is enough

Well the lambing season is starting to wind down. Waiting for #50 to arrive, with mostly just the Ewe lambs left to go. We are pleased with the crop, especially the number of black lambs. I was hoping for at least one or 2 colored, and at least one ewe lamb, and we ended up with 4 ewes and 4 bucks. Only slightly disappointed that the mutant had a black buck, and the Coopworth a buck also, and snow white. Interesting that we had to pull both, as they have very large heads. Maybe a Coopworth trait? Everyone says the black ones are very cute though. Evening chores are made more enjoyable now that the lambs are old enough they have started playing sheep games. While their mothers are chowing down at the bunk, they run and jump like kids in the schoolyard let out for recess. With floppy ears and long stiff legs, they resemble a herd of rabbits circling the pen. Or maybe a woolly flock of birds. Must try to get it on video, but its difficult when they are camera shy, and easily distracted.

Don is back at work. At least we got some things done. Garden now is partially planted, and has 3 new raised beds. One is waiting for strawberry plants, which are ordered, as are the sweet potatoes. Yard is mostly cleaned up, and the porches had an annual washing. Now the painting business is picking up again, so my loyalties to projects are being tested.

Looks like I will be teaching needle felt classes at the Fiber Fair in Mitchell in Sept. Thats what you get when you ask questions. But we were wanting to go anyway, and now we have good reason. Hoping its a good venue for new people and market.

Now if I could just get this blog figured out - how to get the pics to go where I want them!

Saturday, March 27, 2010

Down to keeping up

Okay, so its been awhile. Lots of stuff going on, getting done, and arriving - including lambs. Last weekend, I went shopping for nursery stuff with Ryan and Angie and her parents. Being creative is always a mind stretching experience, but coordinating thoughts with others is even harder. But we had fun. Then Sunday I finished up the wool order, and we took it to town. After the washing, dyeing and carding, I still have Jody in mind. Not that I mind the work, but it takes time I could be using for other work. And now the former paint clients are calling. Got to stay focused, and get down to keeping up.

Last Sunday was also an exciting day with 'flock development - we came home from town to find our first black lamb, and a ewe lamb at that! We named her Ruby, after the lady we bought the black ram from. Actually, Ruby was her maiden name, and is on his papers in the ranch name. She's a real cutie. Then Wed. we had another black lamb, a buck this time. We don't need a buck, but he is sure to be barter or saleable, or maybe we'll just keep him as a whether to raise fleece. And, we still have several potential black candidates, including the CVM and the Coopworth.

The full moon or the cold front inspired the ewes yesterday. We had 4 sets of twins and 3 singles in 24 hrs. Today, nothing so far. But I have my eye on a crossbred ewe that is miserably big, and bred to the black ram.

While on Ewe Watch, I have dyed 7 scarves. Am thinking of design use for the 5 sweaters I found at the thrift shop. Several were already felted for me. Some of the best ones are in the 'small' bin, even though the tag may read 'XLRG'. Even some Cashmere and angora. Thanks for the accidents.

I havent got used to the pink glow of the grow light which is now hanging over the flats of newly planted seeds in the sunroom. It was an unsettling back light all evening, and I noticed this morning as it wasn't quite light outside. But I hope the little seeds will appreciate the extra light. And the gardening has officially begun - Don planted potatoes too. I checked out the yard and beds for signs of life. Which there were many, but hours of cleanup are needed before they are very evident. We seldom have to rake much, but the early snow packed down the pin oak leaves before they could blow away this year. Since they dont make good compost, I can already smell the smoke.

Well, back to the scarves, which should be dry by now.

Friday, March 19, 2010

On birth and dyeing - its March 19th

It happened again this year. The first lamb of the season was born on March 19th. It has been the case for many years. Strangely, because while we intend to lamb about the same time every year, (hoping for better weather), it doesn't seem to matter what day we turn the Bucks out, because the first lamb always seems to be born on the 19th.

This year, we'll blame the spring snow. Hopefully, what will be the last of the season. The long awaited preview of spring was short lived - 2 days - and, as predicted, the sky turned gray late yesterday afternoon, the wind turned cold and damp this morning, and sleet and snow followed shortly after. The first lamb hit the ground about the same time.

A nice buck lamb. A single, but we'll keep him. Not one of the hoped for candidates to be colored. And not the predicted first birth either. There surely will be more soon. Several of the girls have had that miserable look about them the last few days. And maybe thats why we had to play a rousing game of 'Who's the Mama?'. the little guy appeared to have nursed, and there were at least 4 ewes playing midwife, and had him cleaned up nicely. One insisted he belonged to her, but I've been at this long enough to know better. It took a few rounds through the bellowing throng before I spotted her. The real mother had to be 782. I finally managed to sort her off, and she was mildly interested in the baby. But he had already taken to the ewe who had offered him lunch. This may take an adjustment.

Monday, February 22, 2010

Fleeced again

Surely spring is near. We keep saying that, nearly every day now, and I know we are not alone. But now we have taken action! The ewes are sheared - let the lambing begin.
Shearing day has always been big. But again this year, just a little bit more exciting than usual. The girls were looking a bit puffed up in their suits, and we werent sure if the increase in size since we put them on in Oct was due to the wool, or lamb belly. Turns out, its both.
It was encouraging to note that both new bucks must be good. Which means there is a possibility of some colored lambs, and hopefully more numbers than last year. And the day passed without major incident this year - only some words and what are usually idle threats to a few individuals. And once when I had a brief moment of panic. Don was working on a robust belly, when he shouted, and straightened for a moment. I was glad I shouted back 'What?" before I ran. "I've been kicked," he repeated. "By a lamb."
That's not what I heard the first time. I was already thinking "Where did I put that needle...."
The investment in suits was well worth it. The fleeces are lovely and clean. And the Coopworth was especially impressive. At least 5 in, and only 8 months growth. And only one small hole in the suits. I'd be happy to endorse them for Rocky any day. Now for visitors and brisk sales. So we can buy more suits for next year.
I'm trying to finish up some odd jobs so I can get on with the dyeing. Scarves first, then some sampling of some yarn for a new contact. Just wish it would warm up so I could move the felting back to the sunroom. Stalky has been giving me an evil eye, as I must bother her while working on the dining room table. I am pleased with my recent experiment with birds and butterflies though. Off to town tomorrow for a few missing things.
Oh - and more positive signs - the Christmas decorations are in! Had to pull some of the greenery out of the snow, but was able to walk on the drifts at least. I've heard about some cities with fines for being this late, but I doubt anyone has even noticed it here. I put away all the snowmen too. Don't want to be accused of anything prophetical. But it is supposed to snow again tomorrow.
Now we wait for the sun, and signs we need to begin the ark.

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Funny Valentine

Well here it is Valentines Day, and Mother Nature is sending us more Love. That is, if you love snow. It's been just warm enough to thaw around the edges of the few places the ground was peeking through, including the roads, which is not a good thing. This year a whole new generation is learning how to drive in mud. Some claim its a sign of the economy - that the county is short on money and gravel. We here are not so sure incompetence is not a larger factor. But whatever the cause, its not likely to get better anytime soon. Our visitors yesterday will be happy to verify our complaints.
It has been a busy week. The Sustainable Agriculture convention last weekend was great. And 'interesting'. Met several people as potential contacts, mentors, and friends. Opinions vary, but all share a concern and vision for humanity, the land, and our way of life. I managed to work on several projects, even if the results are not to tangible. Mural is progressing. Taxes are done and filed. Ad sent for the Iowa Sheep and Wool Festival. And of course, since I got a few projects done, I had to add a new one. I volunteered to make a wall quilt for the new Child Advocacy Center in Lincoln. If Larry the Cable guy can donate a million, the least I can do is a quilt. Besides, its fun. I can always use a new challenge. And, I already have several ideas. Oh - and I got a year older.
Today I get Braydon for a couple hours while the parents go for a Valentine lunch, then I'm off to an afternoon with the textile group. Nice way to spend a snowy day. Then with any luck, I can get a couple IPFU jobs done this week, and focus on new projects. Like the 25 silk scarves waiting to be dyed, and I finally got that wool to take black. So there soon will be lots of little black creatures lined up on the piano, as well as some spring ones for Easter.
So much to do, so little time. But not today, 'cause its Valentines.

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Time passes

So here it is into Feb. already. The groundhog was probably right. No blame, since we figured it was likely to be a long winter anyway. I am making an effort to enjoy the few bare patches of grass while I can, because they will be gone again soon. And just when the snow had settled and melted enough I was hopeful I could get the Christmas decorations down off the fence and porch before I was tempted to add some colored eggs and bunnies and claim they were for Easter. Maybe I will anyway.
Got to spend Tues with Braydon and parents. I practiced doing grandmotherly things. However, I don't think the cooking and dishes are the ONLY things Grandmothers do. At least I hope not. I have discovered that grandbabies are a well recieved excuse not to get some other things done though.
Not being very productive today. Made a bag for myself though with the haul I made from the thrift store yesterday. Found suits and coats and even some cotton sweaters and silk shirts I hope will get transformed into spring items/bags. At half price, its guilt free buying.
Don is late getting home with the paper. Must have been another bad hog day. Something seems to be up with strange behavior of animals and humans. Weather most likely. So now I need to go find a box for the sheep and goat i am loaning to the booth at the Sustainable Agriculture Convention I will be at tomorrow and Sat. So no more posts till then. But maybe I'll get inspired. Past making lists of things to do, I hope.

Sunday, January 31, 2010

Sunday morning

Its Sunday morning. Again. I say that because time seems to be passing so swiftly these days. No so much the nights, especially the ones when you can't sleep. Last night, it was probably because I kept thinking about the man I just met.
Yes, I admit there is a new man in my life. One, if not the, most handsome I have ever seen, although there are several who are hard to rate, so the new one wins for now.
I only saw him for a little while. Held him for a few minutes. But he's already won me over, and I look forward to him being a part of my life for the rest of it. At just under 7 lb, we have a lot of learning and growing to share. He's my new grandson, Braydon. I've had several friends warn me about what was about to happen, and Friends - you were right. And yes, he arrived yesterday, about the same time as I was posting about the effects of a Full Moon. See - 'told you.
So here it is Sunday morning. I was cold again, so I broke out the little heater for under my feet, although I would really prefer wood for the stove. Dolly is asleep at my feet, reminding me of her presence now and then with her twitching of legs and muffled whimpering while she dreams of ever elusive squirrels no doubt. Garrison and company distract me with their broadcast chatter, the only other human presence at the moment. I rally should move on to less trivial pursuits, but hey. It's Sunday morning. Hope you have a nice day too.

Saturday, January 30, 2010

full moon

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Full Moon

I an a firm believer in the Full Moon. Not that I'm into the latest craze and fascination with werewolves and vampires, but rather that we as humans are as affected by the lunar cycles as the sea. And not so much as a belief as experience and observation. Iv'e been around plants, animals, and kids long enough it would be strange to not have noticed a connection. I even felt it yesterday. I was restless, and found it hard to concentrate. I couldn't seem to find much I could really work on, and actually feel like I was accomplishing anything. Of course, it was Friday. And in addition to the common opinion of Friday afternoon work, I still carry remnants of my long passed on Great Uncle. He was a firm believer in an old adage (or superstition) that 'Anything you start on a Friday will never be finished.' Sometimes that comes in handy.
The feeling carried over into the evening. I was already a little cross. I was cold all day. There was some satisfaction during the afternoon, since the sun was actually out long enough to be felt. We even followed the dogs lead and moved to the sunroom, which was quite effective with the solar heating. If you moved along the couch to follow the sun, it wasn't all that bad. It was interesting to note that while the temperature huddled around 12 F, the one room of the house that has no heat ducts was the warmest. Guess all the research on roof lines and sun position when planning the sun room paid off. By evening however, I was huddling under a blanket watching bad tv, hands too cold for computer work. Never thought I'd be sitting there hoping for a hot flash. And then, after a break down of resolve, I indulged in an uncommon treat of some popcorn. Bad mistake. Paid for it double - caloric intake, AND a broken tooth. I expect news of an impending crown. At least its not painful, only annoying, so can wait till Monday.
But, I did observe the full Moon. Its kind of hard to ignore here, when the rising moon is visible from several of the east windows. Despite the deepened chill, I went out twice to take pictures. Then got another early this morning on the western horizon. Just one of the reasons we choose to live here.

Oh - and on the dyeing front. The batch is, well, mostly black. Not really, really black, but it will maybe do. A little is only gray, but at least there is no purple or green. I may try processing it again when I have time. But I hope to have other business to occupy me for a few days.

Be back soon.

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

It's a dirty job, but.....

I must have passed the breaking point. With all the new motivations I have had in the last few days, and the ideas for new creations and technique modifications starting to fade, I have to get organized and get busy before I loose at least a portion of each. And, with taxes organized, I have no excuse. I did manage to get a few things done yesterday, but it happened again. I'm sure I'm not alone in the experience. You gather your thoughts and musings into a plan, set down with tools in hand, and within minutes, its clear. A essential component is missing. Or at least, present in a wholly inadequate portion. In my case, it was black wool. Not that I had NO black wool, just not enough of the fine stuff. Iv'e made do for months now. I used the hairy stuff, not liking it, and hoping no one would notice. But with a season of Dutch bunnies, Border Collies, Holstein calves, and of course, sheep, I couldn't ignore the need any longer. If I want some nice, fine, black wool, I'm going to have to wash and dye it myself.
So, I hauled out the tub and retrieved the buckets from the yard. Fortunately, I noticed them blown by the wind into the south fence the other day, or I would have wasted time looking for them in the garage, the shop, the barn, etc. It's not really that bad, I guess, time wise anyway, but its not pleasant either. I have refined the process. Fill the tub, shake out the wool, and push it into the hot soapy water. Let set, remove wool, place into net bags, spin dry, and repeat. It's the repeat part thats not fun. In fact, it stinks. The process tends to make the whole house smell like, well, a dirty wet sheep. (Duh.) Today I was successful in masking the odor with that of a pork roast and onion I put in the oven for supper.
I just filled the tub for the 3rd and hopefully final soap. Later I'll rinse and take it out to the shop to the drying racks. (Thank you again, Mennards, for the bonus screens we got from the screwed up window order.) And then, maybe tomorrow, some of it will be black. I love making the proclamation "Not today - I'm dyeing in the kitchen." Although it's more effective said than written. There is a family story involved, but i'll save that for another day.
I've been dyeing for a long time, yet I continue to be amazed that black should be one of the hardest colors to achieve. One would think that black, the color you think that would 'cover' just about anything, should be easy. But it's not. I've learned that black has no identity of its own. Rather, it is a combined effort of all the colors that produces what we perceive. Or rather, what we don't see. For it is within the property of absorbing all light that we see something as black. so all the colors must be present, and absorbing light. With wool and dye, that doesnt always happen. At least evenly. My last attempt at resulted in a dark but mysterious unidentifiable blend of color ranging from vaguely brown greenish purple. Which actually wasn't so bad when salvaged by carding it all together. But it wasn't really black. There is always a lesson in dyeing. Stuff about showing your true colors. True colors. And black is no different.
The sun - YES we have sun today! - is low enough it is reflecting on the computer screen, making it a little hard to see. And i have things to do yet, so I guess its time for this to end. A post tomorrow maybe? I'll let you know how the black goes.

Friday, January 22, 2010

S.A.D. week

No, nothing bad has happened, to me at least. I admit that I have had a few brief impulses to attend to my blogging, but then it would pass before I got to it. I'm blaming outside forces. Haiti. No fire in the stove to watch. (Because we are running low on wood, and saving it in case we really need it, like some in Iowa.) The sniffling, hacking, and moaning of my mate in the big brown chair. (Which has at least subsided, TG.) But mostly, I think its the gray. I hate to think i have reached the age where I even bother to complain about the weather, but really. Enough already. Even the news is talking about Seasonal Affective Disorder. I was aware of it before, and believe it is a real problem, and I have seen its effects, but it seems to have hit hard this year.
I enjoy the landscape when there is snow on the ground. The way the trees and roofs and fence lines etch their own silhouettes on the clean white canvas. But I prefer blue sky, even if it is pale from the cold. Even when it was below zero and the wind carried a mist of snow, the yellow reflections of sun seemed to warm the view, or at least the soul. Today there is no horizon. The line between earth and sky is blurred yet again by a blanket of fog. Not as heavy as it has been, so maybe just a sheet. But its depressing, all the same. I'm hoping the predicted rain will happen tonight. Even though it will mean muddy sheep and dirty snow, which aren't happy things, I think its time for a change. Although rain in January is not a lasting change, it offers hope. After all, its only a month passed the Solstice, and already the days are noticeably longer. Isn't it already spring somewhere?
On a positive note - blogging does appear to hold yourself accountable. It took me a few days, but I am proud to say I have attacked the file drawer. I purposely gutted a few files, and sorted the contents in piles strewn about the living room floor. That way, when I get tired enough of seeing and walking over them, I am motivated to do something with them. It took 3 days. Well, some of the piles remain, but I have done all I can for the time being with the tax organizer. And, as usual, the despair of the bottom line will soon be numbed by the satisfaction of having the worst of it over with. My life long achievement goal of having 'made it' has been to have a personal book keeper. Sigh. Maybe next year.

Well, I'm off now. An exciting interruption of the list of chores - a trip to town to mail an Etsy sale (Yeah), and buy more cough medicine for the mate.

Motto for the day - Since life takes up all of your time, you better make it worth it.

Make your gray days good ones.

Saturday, January 16, 2010

Here I am.

Well, after months (or maybe years) of intention, Here I am, posting my first Blog. I'm making no claims as to subject, frequency, tone or expectations of any future posts. But I have taken a liking to fresh starts, and an a believer in Baby steps. Since its now 2010, there is no better time than the present. I have long intended to blog about my artwork, the business, and life in general. And it's a given that the coming weeks and months will be exciting and full of change, so I am certain to have plenty of subject matter - like a new grandson, shearing and fresh CLEAN wool to work with, and, though I'm sure some will wince (and I know who you are) at the mention, I always look forward to March when the first lambs appear. Maybe its age. Maybe just a comfort zone. Doesn't matter, long as it works. And it does for me. Right now I need to gather some self control and open the file drawer at my left elbow. I have an appointment with the tax lady. I keep telling them that I don't need to do it so soon now that the days of FASFA filing are over, but they keep putting me in early anyway. Good side is that it makes me do it. After all, the sales tax forms are due in anyway.
I really do like to write. Watch for posts as they are sure to get more interesting as the days pass. Happy sunshine to all from 'Us